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  DVMarkets - 澳大利亚外汇交易商(监管:ASIC 323193),公司经营模式:STP、ECN,使用MT4软件;主要交易品种:外汇、贵金属、原油、指数;最低入金:500美元;支持电汇、银联、Skrill、Neteller;出金无手续费。

公司名称 所属国家 成立时间 经营模式
DVMarkets 澳大利亚 2008年 STP、ECN
平台软件 监管信息 最低入金 主要点差
MT4 ASIC 323193 200美元 0点起
点差类型 最小头寸 剥头皮 锁仓
浮动 0.01 允许 允许
入金方式 交易品种 出金优惠 爆仓比例
电汇、银联、Skrill、Neteller 外汇、贵金属、原油、指数 出金无手续费 50%
公司名称 最低入金 入金方式 出金优惠
DVMarkets 200美元 电汇、银联、Skrill、Neteller 出金无手续费
使用平台软件 服务器区时 交易品种 最大杠杆
MT4 GMT+2 外汇、贵金属、原油、指数 400倍

  DVMarkets - 注册免费帐户

  为何选择DV Markets

  DV Markets是一家在多个国家注册和监管的全球在线外汇和差价合约经纪商, 我们不只是提供交易平台,而是我们的目标是为您提供最佳水平的客户服务,无论您是初学者如何交易市场,还是需要高素质执行,技术和支持的经验丰富的专业交易员。

  DV Markets交易解决方案集成了卓越的点差,持续的流媒体流动性和即时交易执行功能。当您与我们交易时,我们会将您连接到我们众多知名的全球投资银行和经纪商,直接获得超过50种货币的机构定价和流动性。 DV Markets技术弥补了交易和技术之间的差距,使您能够利用我们的机构关系,简化基础设施,以最大限度地提高交易效率。我们的重点是提供低点差,低佣金和最新技术,为您提供高质量的交易环境。


  我们在DV Markets所做的工作和我们的决策,以"做正确的事"为核心原则,以正确的道德和价值观指导我们的决策,我们以最大的利益为客户服务。


  无论您是初学者,想要学习如何进行市场交易,还是经验丰富的专业交易员,无论您需要高水平的执行,技术和支持,DV Markets都致力于为您提供最佳水平的客户服务。 作为交易者自己,我们了解您的需求,最重要的是您需要什么。


  我们的专有系统在构建和维护时考虑到您的便利性。 从开户到存款和交易,您可以花更多的时间以闪电般的速度和最大的网络安全来停止市场机会。


  当您与DV Markets进行交易时,您可以充分利用我们对银行间流动性的深入了解,并利用我们先进的桥梁和执行技术来提供无缝的交易条件。





  Risk Warning: DV Markets Limited is an International Business company of St Vincent and the Grenadines (25431 BC 2019) Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre Kingstown and is permitted to carry on a financial services business. This website is owned and operated by DV Markets Limited. The information contained on this website is general in nature and does not constitute advice or a recommendation to act upon the information or an offer. The information on this website does not take into account your personal objectives, circumstances, financial situations or needs. You are strongly recommended to seek independent professional advice before opening an account with us and/or acquiring our services/products. DV Markets does not accept applications from residents of the United States of America. This website is intended for persons located within St Vincent and the Grenadines only and is not directed at any person in countries or jurisdictions where the offer of such financial products is not permitted or is unlawful.

  Before you decide whether or not to invest any products referred to on this website, being over the counter (OTC) derivatives, it is important for you to read and consider our Financial Services Guide (FSG), Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and Terms and Conditions (T&C), and ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. Fees, charges and commissions apply. OTC derivatives, including margin foreign exchange contracts and contract for differences are leveraged products that carry a high level of risk to your capital. Trading is not suitable to everyone. You may incur losses that are substantially greater than your initial investment. You do not own, or have any rights to, the underlying assets which the OTC derivative is referable to. You should only trade with money you can afford to lose. There are also risks associated with online trading including, but not limited to, hardware and/or software failures, and disruptions to communication systems and internet connectivity.



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